ltrace + pthreads

I was recently debugging some threading issues in MPICH2 and tried using ltrace to tell me the return code from pthread_mutex_lock and a few related functions. Tools like strace, ltrace, and valgrind are essential for debugging MPI programs because you can’t always strap a debugger on them, and even when you can it tends to be a heavyweight procedure.

Unfortunately, when I did use ltrace I got a bunch of output that looked like this:

% mpiexec -n 1 ltrace ./examples/cpi |& grep pthread
pthread_mutex_init(0x810543c, 0, 0xbfe8d6c8, 0x80c44a9, 0x80eb4ef) = 0
pthread_mutex_init(0x810540c, 0, 0xbfe8d6c8, 0x80c44a9, 0x80eb4ef) = 0
pthread_mutex_init(0x8105424, 0, 0xbfe8d6c8, 0x80c44a9, 0x80eb4ef) = 0
pthread_self(0x8105424, 0, 0xbfe8d6c8, 0x80c44a9, 0x80eb4ef) = 0xb7da1ae0
pthread_mutex_init(0x81052a0, 0, 0, 0, 0xbfe8d6f4) = 0
pthread_mutex_lock(0x810540c, 0x80eb50d, 128, 0x80c44a9, 0x80eb4ef) = 0
pthread_mutex_unlock(0x810540c, 0xbfe8d73c, 0, 0xbfe8d6b4, 0xbfe8d6bc) = 0
pthread_mutex_destroy(0x810540c, 0, 0xbfe8d708, 0x80597bb, 0xb7eedff4) = 0

Of course, that doesn’t make any sense. Everyone knows that pthread_mutex_lock only takes one argument, and pthread_self doesn’t take any arguments. After a few minutes of studying /usr/include/pthread.h and /etc/ltrace.conf, I whipped up this output instead:

% mpiexec -n 1 ltrace ./examples/cpi |& grep pthread
pthread_mutex_init(0x810543c, NULL)              = 0
pthread_mutex_init(0x810540c, NULL)              = 0
pthread_mutex_init(0x8105424, NULL)              = 0
pthread_self()                                   = 3084118752
pthread_mutex_init(0x81052a0, NULL)              = 0
pthread_mutex_lock(0x810540c)                    = 0
pthread_mutex_unlock(0x810540c)                  = 0
pthread_mutex_destroy(0x810540c)                 = 0

The “secret” sauce goes in ~/.ltrace.conf:

; pthread.h
; - misc
ulong pthread_self(void);
int pthread_equal(ulong, ulong);
int pthread_create(addr, addr, addr, addr);
int pthread_join(ulong, addr);
int pthread_exit(addr);

; - mutex functions
int pthread_mutex_init(addr, addr);
int pthread_mutex_lock(addr);
int pthread_mutex_trylock(addr);
int pthread_mutex_unlock(addr);
int pthread_mutex_destroy(addr);

; - condition variable functions
int pthread_cond_init(addr, addr);
int pthread_cond_destroy(addr);
int pthread_cond_signal(addr);
int pthread_cond_broadcast(addr);
int pthread_cond_wait(addr, addr);

The system that I was on was a 32-bit Linux box running Ubuntu Hardy. For some reason, the --library option didn’t work (I still got output from all libraries), which is why I have the grep bit above. If you are sure you only care about a particular function, the -e pthread_mutex_lock approach seemed to work OK. You may have to adjust this configuration snippet a bit in order to match your platform. In particular, the ulong types might change on 64-bit (I haven’t checked though).

I’m not sure why pthreads wasn’t supported out of the box by ltrace. In fact, given the limited range of supported types for ltrace, I’m not sure why this can’t be almost completely automated. I think a few hours with pycparser and a little python scripting and you could generate 90% of the ltrace configuration.